Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I am quite excited that I have "discovered" the new info of the new age- bla bla... seriously though I have started a new blog at http://firstlightcreative.blogspot.com/ This is the adaptation of using twitter and the the net the importance of SEO as well as how to best utilize all of this technology and still have a life. If this is of interest please check out the blog and follow.

Here are Bridget and Michael they are getting married at the end of August. He is a freelance sportswriter for several different papers and she is a p.r. person for a local marketing company. Let me tell you about true love, he gave up about 2 hours of the NCAA games to come and do the engagement session. How great a guy is that!!! He didn't even whine once! He even covered himself by Tivo'ing the game - just in case there was something he might miss.
We had a great time, made some great photos and it was really a fun afternoon.